Mon - Thursday 9 am - 6 pm but from 5 pm - 6 pm you can call me on my mobile only if it's urgent. After 6 pm NEDOC service is on.
Please bare in mind as a memeber of NEDOC sometimes i'm obliged to do shifts there for the practice after 6 therfore i might be driving there when you are calling me.
We are also open on a Friday from 9am -1 pm and actually we are running Chronic Disease Management all day long so again please call receptionist or me on my mobile only if urgent.
Fridays please attend ED after 1 pm if emergencies and don't forget from 6 pm onwards you have access to NEDOC service.
NEDOC OOH Call 1800777911 or
PHN will sometimes be in the practice, however PHN is a different entity to us and arrangements need to be made with her prior to a visit.
Swanlinbar GP Practice
IMO medical card MONETARY fees printout available click on the LINK HERE and in the practice on display.
Fees might change for GMS and privates according to inflation and different practice policies.
Unpaid fees policy: after 2 reminders you will be asked to take your medical records and change doctors. This is a small rural practice and i need to pay staff, premessis, computer software, etc therefore any delayes in payment will not be tolerated anymore.
Payments will be taken over the phone when booking consultation or cash /card on arrival prior to actual consultation, any exta payments will be paid straight after the consultation cash or card. (our secretary can take card details and pay online for you if needed).
Current practice policy one consultation for same problem per day - if you require another consultation for same issue same day you actually require ED / OOH according to safety netting provided by doctor via worsening information given.
All blood tests are done at the practice premises, GMS patients are given the option to attend the hospital phlebotomy ( blood taking) service once the Dr has authorized that this is satisfactory and has signed the required blood form, we do not accept that hospital staff organize their own blood results. Bloods should be checked every 6 months if you are over 60 years of age, otherwise every year and it's your responsibility to f/w on same.
Chronic Disease Management Bloods are FREE.
It is practice policy that patients phone back for their results, the doctor / nurse / receptionist will advise you on the timeline to contact back in, depending on the test.
Practice policy is that we do not follow up on appointments if patients haven't heard from consultants, it is not our staffs role to chase this up, please advice the pts to contact the private / public secretaries.
The acceptance of new pts is at the discretion of the Dr, subject to terms and conditions, we do not give refusal letters.
Appointments duration is 10 min as per HSE guidelines and it's "one appointment, one problem, one patient " .
If you feel you have more than one complaint than cannot be addressed separately we are here to assist however you need to tell that to our secretary in advance so she books as many slots as per complaints you have and I will explain why that is , in order to keep you safe as well as myself by giving relevant time needed in assessing / examining you with adequate safety netting and to allow time for medication prescribing / referrals to be sent, however this cannot be done in a blood taking slot as this will cause delays in patients that are waiting to go on about their lives and will delay our driver that needs to go to other practices and this will have a bubble effect when reaching the lab and cause delays in bloods analysis and reporting; please keep in mind some people have blood tests that need emergency attention as their life depends on it ( for ex INR, D- Dimers or Troponin).
If you have respiratory symptoms please wear a facemask and test for COVID prior to consultation.
Abuse to staff will not be tolerated, aggressive / threatening behaviour may require us to call the Gardai / Police, this is also stated on the practice walls.